Is toxicity towards Italian politicians gendered? A multi-level analysis of hate speech on Twitter during election period
This study addressed toxicity in tweets targeting Italian politicians during the propaganda campaign preceding Italian snap elections
IDMO – Digital Media Literacy Gaps and Needs
IDMO’s latest research on digital needs and gaps in education
D3.1 Fact-checking periodic report
This report briefly illustrates the IDMO monthly disinformation briefs which have been published on the IDMO website on a monthly basis starting from December 2021
IDMO Impact assessment framework
This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both
D3.2 Periodic Report on EU Cooperation
This report illustrates the collaboration among IDMO, EDMO and the other national Hubs with regards to fact-checking initiatives
“Media Literacy versus Fake News” – The Research by Rai and the Catholic University of Milan
The new research conducted by the Rai Research Office and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart on countering disinformation
Policy Dialogue Concept Paper
Nowadays, the magnitude of disinformation and its effects is causing significant concern. One of the major challenges of the current information ecosystem is the rapid spread of fake news through digital media
Nel corso del progetto IDMO saranno sviluppate una serie di risorse per gli stakeholders, le istituzioni, gli esperti di dati, gli accademici, i ricercatori e chiunque altro sia interessato alle tematiche della disinformazione, del fact-checking, dell’e-literacy e tematiche connesse nell’ambito dei media digitali. Queste includono informazioni sui risultati, le esperienze, i risultati, le strategie del […]